Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bobcats (Bonus issue: Aquarium Update included!)

The bobcat is a North American feline, mostly ranging the United States, but also living in upper Mexico and southern Canada. They are very successful animals, and live in a wide range of habitats, from mountains to brushland to desert. They are small for wildcats, and a little larger than most domestic cats. They have a grayish or tan coat with dark brown spots and a white underbelly. Like other lynxes, they have tufts on the tops of their ears, making them appear long and tapered. The bobcat gets its name from its tail, which is short and tipped in black.
They eat hares and rabbits, but also sometimes eat other small mammals. Bobcats are solitary animals and highly territorial, and move about in the dusky hours. They are not endangered, and are highly hunted.
Bobcats are also sold as pets, but I am NOT advising you to buy one by saying that. Many wild animals that are kept as pets become more wild or vicious as they become adults. I'm not trying to tell you whether it's right or wrong, so have one if you want, but I am trying to say that I'm not offering approval or disapproval. :)
So, the picture is one of a bobcat that was lying under a tree at Thousand Palms oasis.
You may not want to hear it, but I must talk about my aquarium. Today I picked out some crayfish to live here. When I turned my back the larger crayfish completely devoured a smaller one. I picked out a new one, but scolded the larger ones. They, of course, are pains, although cute. I planted a sample from McCallun, and within a minute of entering the tank, the crayfish ripped it up. I also planted bulbs of onion and waterlily in there, and they pulled those out every time I replanted and munched them. I've been reprimanding them, but of course they don't listen. They pinch me. But I still love them.
Even though I spotted 25 adorable tiny baby fish in the tank yesterday, I brought another platy home because she's huge! I just couldn't bear the thought of her being frozen. I named her Voldemort. Of course, Sauron's mad because she isn't the biggest fish any more. The crayfish are voracious eaters, so I have to keep a sharp eye out for more baby fish.


  1. How can you let Sauron be eclipsed by Voldykins?!? Sauron, although much less substantial that Voldemort, at least didn't get killed by a teenager with a stunning spell.
    And of course crayfish don't listen. They never listened when we tried to talk them into the nets back home, did they? Hey, we're walking distance from Moby Crawdad now! You'll have to go fishing while I'm gone.
    Ahhh, I miss you! Your room's all set up now. I stole your dresser, but the bigger one looks good. We MISS you, Button-button! Come home soon!

  2. I named Sauron first! He LOOKED big until scary giant Voldemort came along! Now I can't change his name. Besides, I like Sauron better (don't tell Voldemort!) Voldemort ate some of the new baby fish. And is bullying Sauron.
